Jcert Class 8 Daffodil Chapter 1b: My Mother Solutions

Chapter 1b : My Mother

Answer the following questions:

1. Which place of his childhood days does the poet recall in the poem?

Ans.        The poet recalls Rameshwaram’s beaches, Mosque Street, Arab teaching school, Railway Station Road etc. of his childhood days.

2. Can you guess the child’s daily routine from the poem? Write it.

Ans.        Yes, we can guess. During the Second World War, the child used to go miles to the saintly teacher to learn the holy lesson. He also used to go to Arab teaching school before sunrise. He would go to Railway Station Road from sandy hills to collect newspapers and distribute to temple city citizens in Lawn time. He used to go to a simple school to study after sunrise. In the evening, he would do some small business to earn. At night, he used to study and then sleep.

3. What are the feelings of the poet for his mother?

Ans.        The poet has the fondest memories of his childhood days with his mother. He gives all the credit of successful life to his mother. he loves and respects his mother a lot.

4. What does the child mention about his mother and caring hands?

Ans.        The child says that his mother had caring hands. She used to feed foods to needy people with her caring hands. She used to remove her child’s pain tenderly with her caring hands at night.

5. When does the child say that he will meet his mother again?

Ans.        After the death of his mother, the poet writes the poem ‘My Mother’. He says in this poem that he will meet his mother again on the great judgement day.
