Jcert Class 6 Daisy Chapter 1a : The Emperor and the Nightingale Solutions

Chapter 1a : The Emperor and the Nightingale

Choose the correct option:

1. The Chinese Emperor lived in a ________ palace.

(a) big                                                                            (b) old

(c) majesty                                 (d) small

Ans.        (c) majesty

2. Behind the palace there was a ________.

(a) river                                                                        (b) temple

(c) hill                                                                            (d) forest

Ans.        (d) forest

3. The nightingale sang very ________.

(a) badly                                                                       (b) sweetly

(c) slowly                                                                      (d) loudly

Ans.        (b) sweetly

Answer the following questions:

1. How did the Emperor come to know about the nightingale?

Ans.        The Emperor came to know about the nightingale by reading books and hearing the song of the nightingale.

2. What was the gift sent to him by the King of Japan?

Ans.        A beautiful toy nightingale made of gold and covered with jewels was sent to the Emperor by the King of Japan.

3. Why did the real nightingale fly back to the forest?

Ans.        The real nightingale flew back to the forest because the Emperor listened to the toy bird’s song.

4. What did the nightingale do when he heard that the Emperor was sick?

Ans.        The nightingale flew to his window to sing when he heard that the Emperor was sick.

5. Why didn’t the nightingale come back to the palace to stay?

Ans.        The nightingale did not come back to the palace to stay because he liked his freedom.

6. What did the nightingale promise the Emperor?

Ans.        The nightingale promised to the Emperor to come to the window every night to sing.

Match the words with their meanings:

1. palace

a) to restore to a good condition

2. forest

b) the house of a king

3. repair

c) a structure of bars or wires for keeping birds

4. messenger

d) land covered with plants and trees

5. cage

e) someone who delivers a message


1. palace


b) the house of a king

2. forest


d) land covered with plants and trees

3. repair


a) to restore to a good condition

4. messenger


e) someone who delivers a message

5. cage


c) a structure of bars or wires for keeping birds

Match the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column B to form a pair of words:

Column A

Column B












Column A


Column B
















Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. Our school remains closed _______ Sunday.

Ans.        on

2. Dogs bark _______ night in our village.

Ans.        at

3. We get class promotion _______ the month of April.

Ans.        in

4. Prachi is reading _______ this school.

Ans.        in

5. Shubham has also been reading in this school _______ two years.

Ans.        for

6. Rahul was _______ the cinema last evening.

Ans.        at

7. We should help our parents ________ their work.

Ans.        in

8. Mr. Anand has been teaching in our school ________ the last five years.

Ans.        for

9. They are going _______ holiday next week.

Ans.        on

10. We use sweater ________ winter.

Ans.        in


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